Ensure to check all panels for visible defects before cutting and during installation. Once the panels have been cut they have been deemed acceptable/fit for installation. Showerwall panels have sharp corners and edges - therefore gloves should be worn at all times when handling or fitting panels. Appropriate Personal Protection Equipment such as safety eyewear should be worn when cutting the panels. Measure and mark your required cutting line. If your panels are to be installed full height to ceiling level, cut the height of the panel to allow a 3mm expansion gap at the ceiling point which will be filled with Showerwall sealant on completion.
When using a fine-tooth blade handsaw, panels should be cut decorative face up. When using a jigsaw or circular saw with an upward cutting blade, the panels should be cut from the back, decorative face down to prevent chipping of the laminate surface.
Fixing Square Edge Panels to tiles, plasterboard or plastered wall. For ProClick panels please see section 5 on timber batten installation method. If fixing panels to the walls without timber battens it is essential that all walls are sound, plumb, completely dry, dust free and clean before applying the Showerwall panels. Any source of dampness must be treated before fixing. If fixing direct to a tiled surface it must be sound and degreased first. Seal new or friable/dusty plaster walls with an appropriate PVA sealer to ensure a sound dust free surface. Any unsound or out of plumb tiled, plastered wall should have appropriate remedial work conducted to ensure the substrate meets the set standard for the installation as stated previously. Before installing the panels, check the walls carefully for high spots and remove any tiles that may interfere with the panels upon installation, for example; tiles that may create a warped finish. Loose or unsound tiles should be removed before installation. Ensure the shower tray is also located level using a spirit level. If the walls are uneven and out of plumb, battens must be installed as a frame support system. When fitting battens, they must be at a fixed level, plumb and square.
One: Apply continuous beads of Showerwall panel adhesive to the full length of the reverse of the internal corner trim. Fix the Showerwall internal corner trim in position ensuring that it is plumb using a spirit level. Lift and locate the panel bottom edge at an angle onto the Sureseal strip or 3mm spacers and locate the tongue of the panel into the groove of the previous installed panel, ensuring the panel is fully located onto the Sureseal channel with the panel top edges flush and evenly squeezing out the Showerwall sealant and locking the joint. Rotate the panel onto the wall Ensure the front flexible nib (A) of the Sureseal trim springs up the front bottom edge of the panel after the panel is fully fitted to the wall. Six Repeat the same adhesive application procedure for the next section of wall step 4. Using an uncut sealant nozzle, apply a small, continuous full length bead of sealant to the shoulder of the ProClick tongue profile of the next panel. NOTE: Repeat this at each corner starting point. NOTE: Apply even pressure across the panel face to ensure sound contact of the adhesive to the reverse of the panels. Repeat for each panel. NOTE: Apply even pressure across the panel face to ensure sound contact of the adhesive on the reverse of the panels.
NOTE: A small visible dark line at the joint is not deemed as a product defect should it be present.
Pattern match is not guaranteed.
NOTE: Avoid putting too large a bead of sealant on the profile as too much can prevent the joint locating together correctly.
NOTE: A small visible dark line at the joint is not deemed as a product defect should it be present once the panels have been installed.
Cut the ProClick tongue profile off your first panel, leaving a square cut edge. TONGUE TONGUE Three Apply Showerwall sealant into the right hand channel recess of the internal corner trim and bottom Sureseal trim if used in sufficient quantities to ensure the sealant fully envelopes the edges of the panel when installed.
If the Sureseal strip is being used, fill the channel of the strip with sealant as detailed previously in Section 3.
Wipe all edges with the surface cleaning tissue. Fix suction grips to the face of the first panel to aid lifting and handling and lift and locate the panel bottom edge onto the Sureseal strip or 3mm spacers and slide the square cut panel edge into the previously installed corner trim ensuring the panel is firmly pushed into the trim recess and that the sealant fully envelopes the panel edge. Twelve Repeat steps 4, 6 and 7. Locate the ProClick profile of the panel edge into the groove of the previous fitted panel. Firmly push the panel and corner trim onto the adhesive beads, into position. Eight Immediately after assembling each joint, clean off any sealant overspill from the joint/panel face. Nine Repeat steps 6-7 for the following panels. Ensure to check each panel once installed to ensure that all of the panel edges are plumb and level using a spirit level. Ten Measure and cut the final panel to width removing the groove side as necessary, ensuring the width measurement accommodates the internal corner trim width as advised in Section 1. Eleven Generously apply sealant into the left hand recess of the internal corner trim, ensuring the sealant fully envelopes the edge of the panel. Firmly locate the trim onto the square cut panel edge. Four Apply a minimum 6mm bead of Showerwall panel adhesive in a snake like pattern to the walls that your panel.